Full-Time Faculty
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Meet Our Faculty

Felicia Arriaga
Assistant Professor, PhD, Duke University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 422
Phone: 646-660-6817
Fax: TBD
Email: Felicia.Arriaga@baruch.cuny.edu

Desmond Arias
Marxe Endowed Chair of Western Hemisphere Affairs and Professor,PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1013, Baruch College
Phone: 646 660-6718
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Desmond.Arias@baruch.cuny.edu

Cristina M. Balboa
Associate Professor, PhD, Yale University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1004A
Phone: 646 660-6841
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Cristina.Balboa@baruch.cuny.edu

Deborah Balk
Professor, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Office Location: 135 East 22nd, Room 606
Phone: 646 660-6762
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Deborah.Balk@baruch.cuny.edu

Angie Beeman
Professor, PhD, University of Connecticut
Office Location: 135 East 22nd St., Rm. 409
Phone: 646 660-6828
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Angie.Beeman@baruch.cuny.edu

Neil G. Bennett
Professor, PhD, Princeton University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 605
Phone: 646 660-6779
Fax: 646 660-6784
Email: Neil.Bennett@baruch.cuny.edu

William Casey Boland
Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 808A
Phone: 646 660-6804
Email: William.Boland@baruch.cuny.edu

Hilary Botein
Associate Professor, PhD, Columbia University/JD, Northeastern University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 415
Phone: 646 660-6704
Fax: 646 660-6770
Email: Hilary.Botein@baruch.cuny.edu

Bin Chen
Professor, PhD, University of Southern California
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1000
Phone: 646 660-6847
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Bin.Chen@baruch.cuny.edu

Greg Chen
Associate Professor, PhD, University of Victoria, Canada
Office Location: 17 Lexington Avenue, Room 1422
Phone: 646 660-6849
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Greg.Chen@baruch.cuny.edu

Ryan W. Coughlan
Associate Professor, PhD, Rutgers University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, 817
Email: Ryan.Coughlan@baruch.cuny.edu

Els de Graauw
Professor, PhD, UC Berkeley
Office Location: Newman Vertical Campus, 55 Lexington Avenue, Room 5-284
Phone: 642-312-4422
Email: Els.deGraauw@baruch.cuny.edu

Marco DeSena
Lecturer, MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 902
Phone: 646 660-6749
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Marco.DeSena@baruch.cuny.edu

Anna D'Souza
Associate Professor, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 811
Phone: 646-660-6810
Fax: 646-660-6770
Email: Anna.DSouza@baruch.cuny.edu

Jonathan Engel
Professor, PhD, Yale University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 416
Phone: 646 660-6829
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Jonathan.Engel@baruch.cuny.edu

Scott Evenbeck
University Professor and Faculty Director of the MSEd-HEA Program, PhD, UNC
Office Location: 135 East 22nd St., Rm. 812
Phone: 646 660-6792
Fax: 646 660-6770
Email: Scott.Evenbeck@baruch.cuny.edu

Ashley N. Gaskew
Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 815
Phone: 646 606-6781
Email: Ashley.Gaskew@baruch.cuny.edu

Diane M. Gibson
Professor, PhD, University of Chicago
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 418
Phone: 646 660-6845
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Diane.Gibson@baruch.cuny.edu

Nicole A. Gordon
Distinguished Lecturer and Faculty Director of the Executive MPA Program, JD Columbia
Office Location: 13 East 22nd Street, Room 306
Phone: 646 660–6736
Email: Nicole.Gordon@baruch.cuny.edu

Jessica Greene
Professor/Luciano Chair of Health Care Policy, PhD, New York University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd St., Room 816
Phone: 646-660-6814
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Jessica.Greene@baruch.cuny.edu

Edwin Grimsley
Assistant Professor, MPhil, CUNY Graduate Center
Office Location:135 East 22nd Street, Room 406
Phone: 646 660-6729
Email: Edward.Grimsley@baruch.cuny.edu

Gang He
Assistant Professor, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 615
Phone: 646 660-6716
Fax: 646 660-6871
Email: Gang.He@baruch.cuny.edu

Frank Heiland
Professor, PhD, SUNY Stony Brook
Office Location:135 East 22nd Street, Room 616
Phone: 646 660-6868
Fax: 646 660-6871
Email: Frank.Heiland@baruch.cuny.edu

Neil Hernandez
Assistant Professor, PhD, CUNY Graduate Center
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 411
Phone: 646-660-6795
Fax: 646-660-6701
Email: Neil.Hernandez@baruch.cuny.edu

David C. Hoffman
Associate Professor, PhD, University of Iowa
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 403
Phone: 646 660-6783
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: David.Hoffman@baruch.cuny.edu

Sonia R. Jarvis
Distinguished Lecturer, JD, Yale University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 305
Phone: 646 660-6729
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Sonia.Jarvis@baruch.cuny.edu

Bryan Jones
Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 605
Phone: 646 660-6870
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: bryan.jones@baruch.cuny.edu

Judith Kafka
Professor, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 412
Phone: 646 660-6838
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Judith.Kafka@baruch.cuny.edu

Sanders D. Korenman
Interim Associate Dean and Professor, PhD, Harvard University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 915
Phone: 646 660-6718
Email: Sanders.Korenman@baruch.cuny.edu

Karl Kronebusch
Associate Professor, PhD, Harvard University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 813
Phone: 646 660-6809
Email: Karl.Kronebusch@baruch.cuny.edu

Thomas A. Leavitt
Assistant Professor, PhD, Columbia University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, 407
Email: Thomas.Leavitt@baruch.cuny.edu

Asli Leblebicioglu
Marxe Chair in Int'l Economics and Governance, and Associate Professor, PhD, Boston College
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, 1012
Phone: 646 660-6737
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Asli.Leblebicioglu@baruch.cuny.edu

Tiffany Lewis
Faculty Director of the MPA Program and Associate Professor, PhD, University of Maryland
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 808B
Phone: 646 660-6742
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Tiffany.Lewis@baruch.cuny.edu

Thomas J. Main
Professor, PhD, Princeton University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 404
Phone: 646 660-6719
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Thomas.Main@baruch.cuny.edu

Zachariah Mampilly
Marxe Endowed Chair in International Affairs and Professor, PhD, University of California, LA
Office Location: 135 E 22nd Street, Room 1009, Box D-0901
Phone: 646 660-6758
Fax 646 660-6701
Email: Zachariah.Mampilly@baruch.cuny.edu

George Mitchell
Director of CNSM and Professor, PhD, Syracuse University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1004B
Phone: 646 660-6811
Email: George.Mitchell@baruch.cuny.edu

Jerry Mitchell
Professor, PhD, University of Kansas
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 419
Phone: 646 660-6846
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Jerry.Mitchell@baruch.cuny.edu

Joselyn Muhleisen
Lecturer (Doctoral Schedule), PhD, CUNY Graduate Center
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 810A
Phone: 646 660-6790
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Joselyn.Muhleisen@baruch.cuny.edu

Rhiannon Neilsen
Assistant Professor, PhD, UNSW Canberra
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1008
Phone: 646-660-6836
Email: Rhiannon.Neilsen@baruch.cuny.edu

Rahul Pathak
Assistant Professor, PhD, Georgia State University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1001
Phone: 646 660-6765
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Rahul.Pathak@baruch.cuny.edu

Alexis F. Perrotta
Lecturer (Doctoral Schedule), PhD, Columbia University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 405
Phone: 646 660-6764
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Alexis.Perrotta@baruch.cuny.edu

Dahlia K. Remler
Professor, PhD, Harvard University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 814
Phone: 646 660-6725
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Dahlia.Remler@baruch.cuny.edu

Ideen Riahi
Associate Professor, PhD, Simon Fraser University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 810B
Phone: 646 660-6733
Fax: 646 660-6770
Email: Ideen.Riahi@baruch.cuny.edu

Carla Robbins
Faculty Director of the MIA Program and Clinical Professor, PhD, U of CA, Berkeley
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1007
Phone: 646 660-6705
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Carla.Robbins@baruch.cuny.edu

Sherry Ryan
Marxe Dean and Professor, PhD, University of California, Irvine
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 914
Phone: 646 660-6722
Email: Sherry.Ryan@baruch.cuny.edu

Robert C. Smith
Professor, PhD, Columbia University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 1010
Phone: 646 660-6717
Fax: 646 660-6701
Email: Robert.Smith@baruch.cuny.edu

Ryan Alan Smith
Professor, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 420
Phone: 646 660-6844
Fax: 646 660-6831
E-mail: Ryan.Smith@Baruch.cuny.edu

Jason Spicer
Assistant Professor, PhD, MIT
Office Location:135 East 22nd Street, Room 414
Phone: 646 660-6843
Email: Jason.Spicer@baruch.cuny.edu

Neil J. Sullivan
Professor, PhD, Brandeis University
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 423
Phone: 646 660-6850
Fax: 646 660-6831
E-mail: Neil.Sullivan@baruch.cuny.edu

Rubia R. Valente
Associate Professor, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 417
Phone: 646 660 6736
E-mail: Rubia.Valente@Baruch.Cuny.edu

Don Waisanen
Professor, PhD, University of Southern California
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 410
Phone: 646 660-6825
Fax: 646 660-6831
Email: Don.Waisanen@baruch.cuny.edu

Na Yin
Associate Professor, PhD, SUNY, Stony Brook
Office Location: 135 East 22nd Street, Room 614
Phone: 646 660-6824
Fax: 646 660-6831
E-mail : Na.Yin@baruch.cuny.edu