Career Services Spotlight – Colleen Ouyang, MSEd-HEA ’21, Pace University
After my first year at Baruch College as an HEA major, I sought counseling advice from Marxe Career Services and was given a lot of resume and cover letter coaching. I was pointed to a specific internship opportunity on Marxe CareerConnect, and got it! My internship was at The Advising Center for Exploring Majors at Pace University on the NYC campus. As an advising intern for the Director, I created schedules of first-year and transfer students who were undecided in their major, presented at first-year orientation, and communicated across administrative departments.
Not only was this internship my first administrative experience, it was also my first-time ever interacting with college students in such a role, and bridged what I was learning from my HEA courses like student affairs and administrative services. I got to especially understand the struggle and discomfort, but freedom and flexibility that comes for students who are undecided majors. I was able to advise students on core curriculum classes and kept in touch with students for changes and credit approval.
My internship also gave me professional development in using the administrative program Banner, data-tracking and sorting software, and the curriculum taught in First-Year Seminar. I was able to help redesign the Pace website for the Center for Exploring Majors, and self-reflect internally on my own strengths with the Myer Briggs Type Indicator. I was extremely fortunate to be under the Director’s wing and got to engage in most things going on in the department. This internship really sparked for me the joy in working with college students and seeing the whole individual.
My advice for students seeking internships is to research and know the institution or company that you are applying for. It stands out when you know its mission and current initiatives, and can tailor your cover letter. Use Marxe Career Services to the fullest extent! Without it, I would not have landed this internship nor realized how many transferable skills I have.