Marxe Community Spotlights 2016
December 2016

Selena Lilly, BSPA '18
Selena Lilly discusses her role at The Roosevelt Institute, what drew her to the program, the benefits she’s gotten from her involvement, and more.

Distinguished Lecturer, Michael Seltzer
Michael speaks about his first experience working in West Africa in the nonprofit sector, the New York Community Trust Leadership Fellows (which he is director of), and more.

J.C. Soto, MPA '15
J.C. discusses his two areas of study, micro and macro challenges in the workplace, and his thoughts after walking away from his first encounter with Marxe.
November 2016

Nara Sainthil, MPA ‘16
Read about Nara’s rewarding experience at the SWUFE Summer Camp, and what she’s learned working toward a Marxe MPA.

Assistant Professor, Ideen Riahi
Read about Riahi’s research on these issues, his interest in economic development, and his thoughts on the upcoming Master of International Affairs program.

Amar Rajwani, Executive MPA '12
Amar Rajwani discusses the importance of new approaches to pre-K like centralized admissions and play-based curriculum, and his Executive MPA experience at the School.
October 2016
Mena Singh, MPA '16
Mena tells us about her exciting time at a partnership “Summer Camp” in China this past summer, and what she wants out of her Healthcare Policy MPA.

Professor, Hector Cordero-Guzman
Professor Cordero-Guzman discusses his recent sabbatical in which he engaged in a project focused on poverty in Puerto Rico, and his thoughts on the new Master of International Affairs program.

Mauricio Garcia, MPA '11
Mauricio touches on his role at nonprofit organization Cities of Service, his love of Detroit, his reason for pursuing a Baruch College MPA.
September 2016

Sofia Fogel, MPA '18
Sofia tells us about her pursuit of this career path, the flexibility and efficacy of the Nonprofit Management track in paving a path toward that pursuit, and more.

Associate Professor, Frank Heiland
Frank Heiland discusses the new Master of International Affairs curriculum; his interest in demography, labor, and health economics; and more.

Stephanie Roth, MPA '08
Stephanie recalls her time at the School, her role in beautifying through graffiti removal, and her most significant career accomplishment thus far.
August 2016

Mary Morales, Executive MPA '17
Mary tells us about her experience in the Executive MPA program and her deployment of a program that provided reimbursements to increase the use of IUD contraceptives in numerous hospitals around New York.

Associate Professor, Ryan A. Smith
Associate Professor, Ryan A. Smith discusses the challenges of workplace diversity and his fascinating research projects (including an ongoing analysis of death row inmates’ last statements), among other topics.

Michael Brick, MSEd '15
Michael recalls his most valuable takeaways from his time in the MSEd program and his rewarding career in the “ultimate industry”, higher education, and more.
July 2016

Assistant Professor, Rachel Smith
Assistant Professor, Rachel Smith discusses the student experience, CUNY, her research, and the classes she’ll teach this upcoming semester.

Elizabeth Keith, MPA '91
Alumna, Elizabeth Keith discusses her new role at Dignity Health, the challenges of our healthcare system through the lens of religion, and what her MPA provided for her life and career.
June 2016

Javier Santiago, MPA '16
Mr. Santiago gives us an inside look at the focus of his MPA, his role in helping Latinos get better health care treatment, and his “transformative” experience interning at the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency.

Associate Professor, Hilary Botein
Associate Professor Botein discusses her upcoming classes, the challenges of affordable housing, and how New York City fits into the equation.

Lisa Gesson, MPA '13
Lisa tells us what drove her to get an MPA and describes her role as National Program Director at Youth Service Opportunities Project.
May 2016

Amanda Jaeger, MPA '16
Amanda talks about her time engaged in the Intensive Programme in Ghent, Belgium; the NASPAA Student Simulation Competition; and her interest in research and policy analysis.

Practitioner, Ben Branham
In our first practitioner spotlight, Ben Branham describes how his career ties in with co-teaching in the Executive MPA program, discusses working with Dean Birdsell, and recalls memorable efforts by their students.

Melissa Rosen, MPA '10
Melissa describes her multi-faceted role at the Jewish Funders Network, the lasting impact her MPA experience has had on her personal and professional life, and more.
April 2016

Diana Arias, BSPA '16
Diana tells us about her time at the School of Public Affairs, her internship at the Clinton Foundation, and where she sees the next decade taking her.

Distinguished Lecturer, Jack Krauskopf
Jack tells us about the Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, this year’s Public Affairs Week, and the inner workings of his role in the United Services Group which coordinated various social service organizations in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Renee Gasper, Executive MPA '12
Renee walks us through a typical day and what it takes to support a U.S. Senator, her desire to serve as a role model to other young American Indians, why she decided to get her degree, and more.
March 2016

Kendra Poyner, MPA '16
She tells us about what drew her to – and what she hopes to accomplish with – the Urban Development and Sustainability MPA track.

Professor, Stan Altman
Professor (and previously, Dean and Interim President) Stan Altman walks us through his varied experiences at Baruch College over the years, what students have taught him, and why he hasn’t retired.

Chelsea Chateauvert, BSPA '12
Chelsea Chateauvert lets us in on her experience in the BSPA program and her role at National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering.
February 2016

Jordan McFarlane-Beau, MSEd '16
Jordan tells us about his personal evolution from MBA to MSEd candidacy, his favorite classes and ideal career, and more.

Assistant Professor, Cristina Balboa
Assistant Professor, Balboa tells us about her approach to creating assignments, the importance of transnational actors and the context through which they tell their story, and more.

Samantha Slater, MPA '11
Samantha discusses her role in this, her MPA, and her thoughts on the humble statistics class.
January 2016

Juan Carlos Nordelo, MPA '16
Juan Carlos tells us about his experience with the Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, what the Washington Semester program means to him, the excitement of fundraising, and his favorite classes at the School of Public Affairs.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Steven Newmark
Mr. Newmark discusses what it’s like to work for the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York, what he’ll be teaching in the upcoming semester, and more.

Rosalba Messina, Executive MPA '13
Rosalba tells us about her decision to come back to school, how nonprofits can evolve for the better, and what has changed since she received her Executive degree.